Mesures COVID-19
The following preventive measures have been put in place within our organization to protect the staff, as well as the customers of Sacrée Soirée.
First of all, we continue to work virtually as much as possible. However, we have gradually reopened our offices by implementing a very strict protocol. Thus, visits to our offices must be made by appointment only, in order to control the number of people present simultaneously and to keep a register of visitors. The maintenance and disinfection procedure for the office has been revised and the conference and work spaces have been redesigned to ensure the safety of all.
Likewise, when possible, we rely on virtual meetings and interviews, in order to recruit the workforce in a safe environment, and with as much rigor and professionalism as before. We have therefore revised our evaluation protocol to adjust to the current context.
Upon being hired, our professionals must complete a COVID-19 test, in addition to receiving a document outlining the preventive measures to be observed when collaborating with Sacrée Soirée. An electronic document must be signed by each member of the team to confirm the state of their health, their most recent travels, as well as their contacts during the last two weeks. It is important to note that this information is verified again before each contract automatically in our intranet.
Also, Geneviève Lemieux and Martin Dorval, are ready to set up and deliver relevant trainings to our team in order to perfect their knowledge.
Finally, when we collaborate with a partner, we try to promote staff stability. Thus, by anticipating the needs of the organization, when possible, we are able to reduce the number of employees required to meet the staffing needs of our clients.
Our wish is to position ourselves as a strong partner and a leader in the industry. All the actions we are taking at the moment are going in this direction.